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- Acid Monophosphatase: An indicator of Phophorus Mineralization or of Microbial Activity? A Case Study from the Brazilian Cerrados-
- Aggregation studied by laser diffraction in relation to plouwin, soil organic matter and lime in the brazilian cerrados
- Aggregation studied by laser diffraction in relation to plouwin, soil organic matter and lime in the brazilian cerrados-
- Agropastoral Systems Based on Legumes: And Alternative for Sustainable Agriculture in the Brazilian Cerrados
- Agropastoral Systems Based on Legumes: And Alternative for Sustainable Agriculture in the Brazilian Cerrados-
- Carbon fractions as sensitive indicator of quality of soil organic matter -
- Characterizing labile and stable nitrogen -
- Distribution of water stable aggregates and aggregating agents in oxisols of the brazilian cerrados-
- Microbial biomass activity and carbor pools under different land-use systems in the brazilian cerrados-
- Phosphorus fractions under different land use systems in oxisols of the Brazilian Cerrados.-
- Phosphorus pools in bulk soil and aggregates of differently textured oxisols under different land-use systems in the brazilian cerrados.-
- Short-term variation in aggregation and particulate organic matter under crops and pastures-
- Soil organic carbon, carbohidrates, amino sugars, and potentailly mineralizable nitrogen under different land-use systems in oxisols of the brazilian cerrados.-
- Soil organic matter in oxisols of the brazilian cerrados