SUBSTRATES, SEEDLING AGE AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE INITIAL GROWTH OF Cariniana pyriformis Miers Academic Article uri icon


  • The massive productionof high-qualityseedlings can improve the conservation and commercial reforestation plans of the Colombian mahogany (Cariniana pyriformisMiers), a native forest species of Colombia. To contribute to this objective, two environments were evaluated. The first was an arched protected environment of structure covered with anti-thermal low-density polyethylene film to offer 50% shade and photoselective to U.V radiation, while the second was an agricultural nursery covered with black monofilament screen and mesh to offer 65% shading. Each environment adoptedanexperimental design of complete random blocksinto a split-plotscheme. The main plot comprised five substrates that contained different volumetric proportions of river sand(SA), pine bark (PB), coconut fiber (CF), commercial compost obtained from composting poultry manure, cane dust and sawdust powder (CC),and subsoil from the study region (SS). The subplot wastwo seedlingages: 77 and 95 days after sowing. The values for theDickson quality index, leaf area, dry mass of the aerial part and the root system,for both ages,was higher inside the protected environment.The agricultural nursery did notevidence substrateseffect. For both environments and ages, optimal morphological attributes were not reached in the seedlings to be established in the field. The substrate based on 20% SA+ 20% CC and 60% SSis the bestas it increases seedlingvigor, followed by the 20% PB+ 20% CC + 60% SS composition.
  • he massive productionof high-qualityseedlings can improve the conservation and commercial reforestation plans of the Colombian mahogany (Cariniana pyriformisMiers), a native forest species of Colombia. To contribute to this objective, two environments were evaluated. The first was an arched protected environment of structure covered with anti-thermal low-density polyethylene film to offer 50% shade and photoselective to U.V radiation, while the second was an agricultural nursery covered with black monofilament screen and mesh to offer 65% shading. Each environment adoptedanexperimental design of complete random blocksinto a split-plotscheme. The main plot comprised five substrates that contained different volumetric proportions of river sand(SA), pine bark (PB), coconut fiber (CF), commercial compost obtained from composting poultry manure, cane dust and sawdust powder (CC),and subsoil from the study region (SS). The subplot wastwo seedlingages: 77 and 95 days after sowing. The values for theDickson quality index, leaf area, dry mass of the aerial part and the root system,for both ages,was higher inside the protected environment.The agricultural nursery did notevidence substrateseffect. For both environments and ages, optimal morphological attributes were not reached in the seedlings to be established in the field. The substrate based on 20% SA+ 20% CC and 60% SSis the bestas it increases seedlingvigor, followed by the 20% PB+ 20% CC + 60% SScomposition.

Fecha de publicación

  • 2020