- This study evaluated the effects of mechanical and enzymatic pretreatments onthe extraction of anthocyanins and ellagitannins from blackberries. Continuouspressing yielded significantly higher turbidity values and content of anthocyaninsand ellagitannins (P < 0.05) compared with discontinuous pressing. The use ofenzymatic pretreatment also significantly increased the extraction of polyphenoliccompounds (P < 0.05), in particular that of total ellagitannins, on average from437 to 982 mg ellagic acid equivalents/100 g (dry basis) when using discontinuouspressing. When microfiltration was used, the content of ellagitannins andanthocyanins was found to be similar in both feed and permeate when discon-tinuous press was used to extract the juice, but a significant decrease of 34% (drybasis) was found in the concentration of ellagitannins when continuous pressingwas used (P < 0.05). These results should be useful for future efforts to increasethe extraction of polyphenolic compounds from fruits and vegetables.